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CEO  Peter Medvedev escaped communism in the early 1970s.  He was educated in Romania in the field of chemistry and foreign trade.  After moving to the U.S., he met and married wife Rita and had 2 children Andrew and Natalie.  The family took up residence in Granada Hills, CA.  Mr. Medvedev and family founded Community Integration Services, Inc. (CIS) in 2004. The organization was incorporated and granted non-profit status in 2005.

Mr. Medvedev previously was caring for his mother with aging challenges for 10 years and was troubled because he could not find quality community day services for her.  Inspired by this situation, he later leased and renovated a 15,000 square foot building with his own elegant tastes for design and quality.  His family investment has reached over $700,000.  The center now stands as a community “place to be” in the San Fernando Valley; a vessel of dignity and respect of those who are aging and adults with disabilities.  The building has been dedicated to the memory of his mother, and will stand as a legacy in the community.

To ensure the organization’s success, Mr. Medvedev assembled a group of quality executive leadership staff and consultants with over 60 years of experience in the fields of disability, aging and non-profit management.  The result has been the development of an innovative, multi-program approach that combines healthy living habits and education with lifelong learning opportunities to uplift the human spirit.  Mr. Medvedev serves as the Adult Day Program Administrator and oversees the daily operations of the center and programs.  He expects and demands “positive energy” from all of his staff, knowing this is the key to bringing out the best of life in those that are served and supported.

"The Place To Be."

2005 Community Integration Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.